Making Tasty Courses for Web Developers
- What got you started in Web Development?
- Was your goal to always go out on your own or did you plan on working for a consulting company?
- Did you ever consider a hosted solution like Udemy/Teachable?
- How did you build your audience?
- Was it a specific course that you remember that really turned things for you?
- How do you decide what course you want to release next?
- Do you look for popular tech to create your content or just do what is exciting for you?
- What does the timeline of a course look like for you?
- Do you make an outline beforehand?
- Do you use a script for videos?
- How much do you do before you record?
- You usually create a few courses each year, do you ever consider the monthly model like Scott?
- Can you get more in depth in your course model and take more time to explain concepts?