Building the Future of Svelte at Vercel
- I don’t know if this man needs an introduction, but can you give us a brief introduction and tell us a little about your previous work with Rollup and Svelte and your work at Vercel?
- Where does Vercel fit in the future of Svelte?
- What is the biggest difference in having a compiler vs the virtual dom?
- How does declarative Svelte turn into efficient imperative code for the browser?
- What do you envision is the next big thing for Svelte and SvelteKit?
- What are your thoughts on where the web is going with islands architecture?
- What are your thoughts on reactivity in Svelte, are there ways to improve on it similar to the SolidJS approach with more fine grained updating?
- What do you think Svelte has to do to get more market share?
- How to get buy in on a team?
- Do you think the State of JS and other surveys provide value for the community?
- What is your favorite thing about the Svelte Community?
- How many are on the core team?
- Move to GitHub Discussions
- Shadow endpoints are a new for Svelte. What is the reasoning behind adding this and what are the benefits?
- What about the proposal for an api layout wrapper? ‣
- Do you think Svelte is the most beginner friendly framework?
- Do you think there is value in learning the fundamentals first?