Talking through Sanity.io as a backend to multiple Static Site Generators. A slightly deeper dive into Gatsbyjs.
Talking through Sanity.io as a backend to multiple Static Site Generators. A slightly deeper dive into Gatsbyjs.
Have you ever hunted around for days trying to find that simple package for adding anchor links to your Gatsby blog? It is easier than you might think, and you don't need a package!
Another evolution in the AJonP brand has come in the form of standardizing on acceptance. Making the most of neutral (non-stereotyped) colors. Taking a nod from Dev.to and updating AJ's tag to include a rainbow, as every mascot should have gender neutrality.
Utilizing Web Components within Hugo Static Site Generator (or any static site), to take Stripe/PayPal payments and more!
Utilizing Web Components within Hugo Static Site Generator (or any static site). Adding a Custom Element for an Ionic Modal pop-up.
Set your version history for firebase hosting, to avoid storage costs.
Example of how to use Web.dev to maintain a timeline of performance, while running firebase performance for constant monitoring.
This post describes the procedure of uploading images to Cloudinary as a prelude for building a fun app called Face Smash with Ionic Studio.
Create a single source for all of your posting needs, using the best format for the browser!